Oh yes, Puma Ferrari 09 finally ended. I'd say is by far the best Puma event I've ever attended. Others were average. Puma has went up a notch to throw a good event. This time around: better crowd, impressive "do" in the club, good food and alcohol. Needless to say, the place was hot as hell. Frangipani's really need to fix more air-conditioning! And erm, their floors. The flooring suited the bathroom, if you know what I mean.
And oh, there were a lot of beautiful people and cars. Yes, beautiful would be an understatement. Eye candies were everywhere. Guy or girl or car. Damn, they were good looking. I'll do them all! Malaysia needs more events like these. With pretty people. And of course, much to everyone's content - alcohol.
With Puma Ambassadors, Xandria Ooi and Belinda Chee
My Puma Family

They built ramps all over the place as runways.
It's nice to be above the ground!

Cay, Miss Universe Contestant

FYI, Ling and I appeared on ntv7. It was far too random.
We got interviewed: "What do you think about backstabbers?"
Of all the questions in the world. Hmph.
Nevermind Ling, so long as we got our 5 mins of fame, aye?
It was a good night.
I enjoyed it.
And oh, there were a lot of beautiful people and cars. Yes, beautiful would be an understatement. Eye candies were everywhere. Guy or girl or car. Damn, they were good looking. I'll do them all! Malaysia needs more events like these. With pretty people. And of course, much to everyone's content - alcohol.
It's nice to be above the ground!
We got interviewed: "What do you think about backstabbers?"
Of all the questions in the world. Hmph.
Nevermind Ling, so long as we got our 5 mins of fame, aye?
It was a good night.
I enjoyed it.
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