Monday, December 22, 2008


It's been approximately 3 months since I last blogged. Needless to say, I got lazy. Really lazy. So yes, I've been missing from blogosphere but no worries, I've been around and still kicking. As soon as the holidays started, I just went all out. Hallelujah! Aside from drinking and partying every other day for the past 2 months, I finally gotten a part-time job.

I'll be working with NTV7's patrol team (somewhat like Hitz cruisers) come January 2009. Hooray! Something that I am very much keen to do. Events. Events. Events. Plus side of it, I'm getting paid! Ah...nothing beats getting paid and attending events at the same time.

Anyway, it's that time of the year. Christmas is coming. And so as the New Year. Gosh, 2008 just flew by. It was just yesterday when I celebrated my 19th birthday and now in 3 months time, I'm turning the big 20! I'm losing the "teen". Geez. Not sure whether I should feel good about that. Usually I am so comfortable being a "teen" because of my size. But after thinking it through, saying "I am 20" just doesn't seem to jive with my physical attributions. Oh well.

So every year I have this New Year Resolution thing in which I pray to always achieve. This time around I don't think I will be making a resolution list because I will not end up doing it. Hence, I have decided, I will just go with the flow. Things I intend to change/improve/eradicate/grow/etc I will gradually do it unconsciously. In that way, I wouldn't feel guilty if I do not achieve what I am suppose to.


moments like these, I thank for.